  • K.Kennedy 6700


  • 2022
  • April 16th

    April 16th


    Paris (France)
    Salle Cortot
    Liszt - Franck - Ravel - Scriabin
  • April


    Video release 

    Interview & performance + trailer for the promotion of the Scriabin album
    In partnershipp with International Piano Magazine website
  • February 28th

    February 28th

    Film Production & performance

    London Kings Place (UK)
    Interview & performance + trailer for the promotion of the Scriabin album to be released in Sept. 2022 by AVIE Records
    Film production : Stripe media  
  • February 26th

    February 26th


    Rosenheim (Germany)
    KU'KO Kultur + Congress Zentrum 
    Liszt - Franck - Ravel - Scriabin
  • January 20th

    January 20th


    Adevarul (Romania)
    "The famous French pianist Vincent Larderet, on the poster of the 'George Enescu' Philharmonic"
  • January 20th & 21st

    January 20th & 21st


    Bucarest (Romania) 
    Romanian Athenaeum
    Georges Enescu Philharmonic 
    Franck Symphonic Variations (Franck Bicentenary 1822 - 2022)
    Conductor : Stephanos Tsialis
  • 2021
  • N.B.

    This list includes only major performances & news highlights. Due to the COVID-19, some concerts have been canceled or posponed until the next seasons. 
  • November 24th

    November 24th


    Autumn 2021
    ENG version
    Design by Resonance 
  • November 15th

    November 15th


    Autumn 2021 Newsletter
    FR version
    Design by Resonance 
  • November 4th to 7th

    November 4th to 7th

    Recording sessions 

    Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
    Scriabin album to be released in 2022 by AVIE Records for the 150th Anniversary of the composer's birth
  • October


    Japan tour

    Recital & Concerto performances 
    Organized by Pro Arte Musicae Management
  • September 30th

    September 30th

    New Label signed 

    Vincent Larderet has signed with the renowned UK Label AVIE Records ! 
    The projects include a Scriabin album to be released in Sept/Oct 2022 for the 150th Anniversary of the composer's birth. Over the coming years this will be followed by the complete piano works of Ravel.
  • July

    Tour in USA 
  • May



    International Piano Magazine (UK)
    May / June 2021 issue
    "One To Watch" 2 pages ITW-article by Michael Johnson
  • April 29th & 30th

    April 29th & 30th


    A. Rubinstein Philharmonic Orchestra of Lodz (Poland)
    Ravel Concerto for the left hand 
    Conductor : Krzysztof Herdzin
  • April


    CD Review 

    Neue Musikzeitung (Germany)
    LISZT Between Light & Darkness 2 CD Set
    Christoph Schlüren

    “He turns out to be one of the best pianists of our time.”
  • March


    CD review 

    PIANO News (Germany) 
    N°2 - 2021 (March / April) : 
    LISZT Between Light & Darkness 2 CD Set
    6/6 highest rating for interpretation
    Bernd Wladika

    "The special thing is that for him there is not only black and white, but an almost unlimited abundance of gray tones. With such pianistic skills, it seems almost superfluous to refer to Larderet's masterly mastery of virtuosity. A recording that sets standards. Bravo!"
  • March


    CD Review

    Fanfare Magazine (USA)
    N° 44:4 (Mar/Apr 2021 issue) 
    LISZT Between Light & Darkness 2 CD Set
    Gary Lemco

    "This broad but through-composed piece allows Larderet to display bravura technique and a real panoply of keyboard color, chromatic, in cascades of broken octaves or plummeting and rising scales." 
  • February 19th

    February 19th

    Radio broadcast

    France Musique 
    En pistes by Emilie Munera & Rodolphe Bruneau-Boulmier
    LISZT Between Light & Darkness 2 CD Set
    Available for Replay starting 1h 6min
  • February 6th

    February 6th


    Paris (France)
    Salle Cortot
    Official recital launch for the release of the Liszt 2 CD-Set

    Canceled due to the French "couvre-feu" for the COVID-19 and postpone to 2022

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