- 2022
Album review
Gramophone Magazine (UK)
The Scriabin Mystery
Jed Distler
Issue 12 / 2022
"Expansive and full-bodied readings [...] alluring phrasings and ravishing high-register tracery [...] Larderet gives his fervent all [...] excellent production values also deserve mention and praise" -
December 15th
Radio review
Radio Romania Muzical (ICMA member)
The Scriabin Mystery album
Marina Nedelcu -
Franck : Symphonic Variations
Franck Bicentenary (1822 - 2022)
OSE Symphonic Orchestra
Conductor : Daniel Kawka -
November 9th
Album Review
Audiophile Audition (USA)
4 stars
The Scriabin Mystery
Gary Lemco -
November 5th
Wuppertal (Germany)
Scriabin -
October 29th
Album review
EarRelevant (Atlanta - USA)
The Scriabin Mystery
Giorgio Koukl
"Larderet plays with sensitivity and breathtaking technique" -
October 8th
Album review
RONDO Magazin (Germany)
"CD zum Sonntag" Recommendation
The Scriabin Mystery -
October 6th
Radio review
WFMT Radio (Chicago - USA)
New releases with Lisa Flynn
The Scriabin Mystery album -
BREAKING NEWS : Magazine Cover
Vincent Larderet on the cover of the prestigious International Piano Magazine (UK)
October 2022 issue (publishing release : September 28th)
Extensive interview by Michael Church -
September 23rd
Video Interview
With International Piano Magazine Editor-in-Chief Owen Mortimer (UK) -
Embedded on International Piano website -
September 23rd
International release
The Scriabin Mystery album
Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of the composer's birth
AVIE Records (UK) -
September 21st
Radio broadcast
BBC Radio 3 (UK)
Essential Classics
The Scriabin Mystery album (starts at 1H 39min 25s) -
August 26th & September 9th
2 pre-release singles
Singles from The Scriabin Mystery album
On digital download/streaming platforms -
July 16th
Krakow (Poland)
Szymanowski - Chopin - Scriabin -
July 7th
Video release
Trailer for The Scriabin Mystery album
released by AVIE Records in September 2022 -
Video release
Interview & performance + trailer for the promotion of the Scriabin album
In partnershipp with International Piano Magazine website -
February 28th
Film Production & performance
London Kings Place (UK)
Interview & performance + trailer for the promotion of the Scriabin album to be released in Sept. 2022 by AVIE Records
Film production : Stripe media -
February 26th
Rosenheim (Germany)
KU'KO Kultur + Congress Zentrum
Liszt - Franck - Ravel - Scriabin