  • K.Kennedy 6911 site


  • Pianiste - Interview

    Pianiste - Interview

    September 2016
    Double interview in Pianiste magazine (France)
    => Artistic Director of the "Piano au Musée Würth" international Festival (page 15)
    => About the ARS Ravel / Schmitt Concertos SACD-CD (page 68)

    Sept / Oct 2016 issue n°100
    Stéphane Friédérich
  • Resmusica - Interview

    Resmusica - Interview

    May 2016
    Resmusica (France) - Interview  "Aller + loin”
    Florence Trocmé
  • Scherzo


    February 2016
    "Larderet te acaricia directamente, suave y seductor, en complicidad con Kawka y el conjunto. Ah, sus trinos despidiéndose del movimiento central son todo un poema."

    Scherzo n°315 (Spain)
    Santiago Martín Bermúdez
  • Fanfare "Best recordings of the year"

    Fanfare "Best recordings of the year"

    January 2016
    "Not only has this recording earned a place on my short list of the best recordings of the year, but it sets a new standard by which all other performances will likely be measured in future."

    Fanfare Magazine (USA) N°39:3 issue (Jan/Feb 2016) - Best recordings of the year
    John Bell Young
  • Klassik Heute “Empfehlung”

    Klassik Heute “Empfehlung”

    December 2015
    "I call it fascinating because it’s the only relevant performance for me which can exist without restriction alongside the reference recordings of Michelangeli (Concerto in G) in 1957 and Zimerman (both concertos) in 1994."

    Klassik Heute "Empfehlung" (Germany)
    Christof Jetzschke
  • Resmusica "Clef"

    Resmusica "Clef"

    December 2015
    "Result : version easly outclassing its predecessors, despite the undeniable qualities of many of them."

    Resmusica "Clef" Award (France)
    Michel Tibbaut
  • PIANO News

    PIANO News

    November 2015
    “A remarkable playing. Accompanied by the Ose Symphonic Orchestra under the direction of its founder Daniel Kawka, Larderet is grandiose in every situation and feels every sound's color with equal consistency as the rhythmic power of these works. A brilliant recording !” 

    PIANO News (Germany), highest ratings 6/6 for interpretation & sound, Nov / Dec 2015 
    Carsten Dürer
  • Gramophone


    November 2015
    “There is a lot to admire about the ARS [Larderet-Kawka] versions. The main selling point is the premiere recording of the piano-and-orchestra version of J’entends dans le lointain… (1929) by Florent Schmitt (1870-1958). It is, to concur with the booklet, a ‘gloomy score [which] brings to mind the horrors of mass graves, the annihilation and great agony of these years’. After it, Ravel’s Left Hand Concerto comes as light relief.”

    Gramophone (UK)
    Jeremy Nicholas
  • Diapason 5

    Diapason 5

    November 2015
    “The Piano Concerto for the Left Hand sounds powerfully with majesty. Vincent Larderet distills phrasings of splendid purity. The sobriety of this sensitivity is accompanied by a full and spacious sound. The Concerto in G favors the same intensity. And nothing will disturb the serenity of the Adagio assai, one of the most vibrant of all the discography.”

    Diapason 5 Award n°640 (France) : comparative review with the Wang / Bringuier DG release
    Bertrand Boissard
  • Pizzicato "SUPERSONIC"

    Pizzicato "SUPERSONIC"

    October 2015
    “Flabbergasting performances by both pianist Vincent Larderet and conductor Daniel Kawka. The OSE Orchestra supports the soloist with a sound of almost miraculous richness.”

    Pizzicato’s "SUPERSONIC" Award (Luxemburg)
    Remy Franck
  • France Musique

    France Musique

    September 2015
    En pistes ! radio broadcast
    Ravel / Schmitt ARS SACD-CD review

    Émilie Munéra & Rodolphe Bruneau Boulmier
  • Classica


    July 2015
    "Vincent Larderet offers an expressive approach to the whimsical expressionism, which restores to Ravel a dark romanticism too often concealed. In Scriabin, the intensity is controlled by a strength capable of flowing lava in the serene majesty of a temple. Promethean in the full sens of the word ! (Paris, Salle Gaveau, 2015-05-20). "

    Classica n°174 (France)
  • Cadences


    February 2015
    “His Olympian approach possess the hindsight of the true ‘Greats’ and ranks him immediately among the best Ravelian of the past 40 years."

    Cadences n° 281 (France)
    Michel Fleury
  • Fanfare


    January 2015
    "The result is a huge sonority that’s miles away from Gieseking and Michelangeli — Larderet counts the latter as an inspiration for this recording of Gaspard de la nuit. The second inspiration for Larderet (…) is Vlado Perlemuter (1904-2002), who studied Ravel’s piano music with the aging composer. Perlemuter made extensive notations in his performing scores, which Larderet has followed in this recording. Yet laudable as his adherence to Ravel’s intentions may be, what stands out is really the beauty and fullness of the piano sound on this CD. It’s sensational.”

    Fanfare (USA)
    Huntley Dent
  • Clavier Companion Magazine

    Clavier Companion Magazine

    September 2014
    “Vincent Larderet navigates the demanding repertoire with fitting prowess. He communicates his vision of Gaspard de la nuit with crystal-clear articulation and perfectly controlled pacing. Both Jeux d’eau and La Valse exude imagination and microscopic precision. While polished and impressive, the meticulously exposed layers at times overwhelm their intended whimsical and glamorous style."

    Clavier Companion Magazine (USA) - Sept/Oct 2014 issue
  • MusicWeb International

    MusicWeb International

    May 2014
    "Vincent Larderet is a pretty impressive pianist. He is certainly a fantastic interpreter of the Daphnis Suite, and with a little luck (…) he could be associated with Daphnis the way Maurizio Pollini is linked to Petrushka. You’ll be impressed at how well that War dance turns out on piano, by the way, as one of the ultimate displays of virtuoso fireworks. This is a fantastic Ravel recital (…) and it makes this an essential release."

    MusicWeb International (UK) « recording of the month » Award
    Brian Reinhart
  • Libération


    April 2014
    "Before recording this CD, Vincent Larderet studied the annotated scores of pianist Vlado Perlemuter who worked with Ravel and died in 2002 at 98 years old. From the Pavane stripped of all sentimentality, through the hypnotic Gibet or the Daphnis et Chloé Suite, the result is amazing. Combining architectural rigor and genius of the timbre, objectivity and creativity, stylization and lyricism, the French pianist established himself as a Master."

    Libération (France)
    Eric Dahan
  • Klassik Heute 10/10

    Klassik Heute 10/10

    April 2014
    "Larderet übt in diesen herausragenden Ravel-Interpretationen eine seltene Kontrolle über das Klavier aus. Das macht diese Versionen so hypnotisch: dass hier ein klarer Geist spielt, der dennoch in der Magie des Klangs gefangen ist."

    Klassik Heute 10/10 (Germany)
    Michael B. Weiß
  • Télérama ffff

    Télérama ffff

    April 2014
    "The merit of Vincent Larderet's wonderful recording should not be restrained to the result of a genuine loyalty desire towards Ravel's mind and demands. The appeal it expresses comes even more from the freedom of inspiration, the singular imagination that spread out of it. Revealing the mirage of an orchestra flying away from the keyboard. Debussy used to be suavely ironic about the art of Ravel, "a fakir that grows flowers around a chair". Vincent Larderet grows landscapes around his piano, as a true Ravelian magician."

    Télérama ffff Award n°3353 (France)
    Gilles Macassar
  • DNA


    March 2014
    "Recital at Strasbourg's PMC : the virtuosity of Vincent Larderet. 
    Queen Masterpiece of the recital, Gaspard de la nuit illustrates the interpreter-architect's personality of Larderet. Conduct by an unwavering tempo, the score stands with an amazing formal clarity and transparency, like an uncompromising Scarbo brilliantly orchestrated."

    Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace - DNA (France)
    Christian Wolff

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