  • K.Kennedy 6911 site




    May 2020
    LISZT Between Light & Darkness 2CD-Set to be released in October 2020 by PIANO CLASSICS. 
    For press, reviews & journalists (ENG version).
    ©Mary McNeill - Resonance  
  • Press Kit

    Press Kit

    October 2019
    For professional use and for print in HD (press, organizers, management etc.) including biography, discography, reviews highlights, videos and more!

    Designed by ©2021 Mary McNeill 
  • Theater Jones

    Theater Jones

    July 2019
    Ravishing Ravel : Pianist Vincent Larderet closed this year's French-themed PianoTexas Festival at Texas Christian University. 
    "Appropriate to the arrival, just a few hours after the close of the recital, of July—the month of the great national holidays of both the U.S. and France—Larderet encored with Debussy’s Prelude Feu d’artifice (“Fireworks”), delivered with explosive energy."

    Theater Jones (USA)
    Wayne Lee Gay
  • Clavier Companion Magazine

    Clavier Companion Magazine

    July 2018
    "Larderet delivers a personal and well-crafted performance of Images Book I, choosing unusual voicings which produce admirable clarity from start to finish. Further in his performances of the second Book of Préludes, he shares unique interpretative ideas, sculpting every texture and layer as if painting a picture and telling a story with his sound. [...] Where this disc truly shines, however, is in Larderet arrangement of the Caplet transcription of Debussy Symphonic Fragments of Le Martyre de saint Sébastien. [...] On this disc, one hears two masters at work : Debussy for harmony and style, and Larderet for flair and appeal."

    Clavier Companion Magazine (USA) - July / August 2018 issue
    Laura Melton
  • Fanfare Magazine

    Fanfare Magazine

    May 2018
    "This is a stunningly played recital of two of Debussy’s most familiar cycles and a world premiere of pianist Vincent Larderet’s expansion of André Caplet’s piano reduction of Debussy’s incidental music to Grabriele D’Annunzio’s Le Martyre de saint Sébastien. Reviews in these pages of Larderet’s previous work have been unanimously positive. Peter Burwasser recently (40:4) grouped him with Pollini, Brendel, and Badura-Skoda as 'masterful technicians and intellectual[s].' John Bell Young wrote (39:3) that Larderet 'has blossomed into a great pianist indeed.' And Colin Clarke (35:5) described his playing as 'gripping and multitimbred.' I will add that it is full of vivid colors, subtle rubato, and an equal affinity for the contemplative and the virtuosic aspects of Debussy’s writing."

    Fanfare Magazine (USA) N°41:5 - May / June 2018 issue
    Myron Silberstein
  • The Record Geijutsu

    The Record Geijutsu

    May 2018
    "It can be said that it is a wonderful performance combining playfulness and polished poetry."

    The Record Geijutsu (Japan) - May 2018 issue
  • Fono Forum

    Fono Forum

    April 2018
    "Vincent Larderet, with his interpretation of the second Book of [Debussy's] Préludes in comparison with the youngest of the named 'old Master' [Krystian Zimerman], is almost on equal footing. The juxtaposition of individual voices and chords, the highly differentiated dynamics and the parallel play of colors require the interpreter to achieve a maximum in the areas of agogics and pedaling. Larderet possesses great subtlety in this regard. [...] The symphonic fragments from Le Martyre de saint Sébastien are a real enrichment on Larderet's SACD."

    Fono Forum (Germany) N° 04 - 2018 / April 2018 issue 
    Gregor Willmes
  • Classica 5 stars "Coup de cœur"

    Classica 5 stars "Coup de cœur"

    April 2018
    "The musicality of Larderet, his art of transitions and the quest for the mystery behind appearances are perfectly suited to the First Series of Images and the Book II of Preludes which the soloist brings an orchestral dimension (Feux d’artifice). [...] A stone in the debussyst edifice. "

    Classica Magazine (France) N° 201 - April 2018 issue
    Michel Le Naour
  • Pizzicato 5

    Pizzicato 5

    November 2017
    "Vincent Larderet’s extremely clear and finely nuanced playing combined with one almost symphonic sound sensibility reduced for the piano, serves Debussy’s music very well. On the CD there is also a premiere recording : a suite from Le Martyre de saint-Sébastien transcribed for piano by André Caplet."

    Pizzicato 5 (Luxembourg)
    Remy Franck
  • Concertclassic


    November 2017
    “Around 20 km from Strasbourg, the Würth Museum of Erstein inaugurated in 2008 offers a beautiful setting for a piano festival which Vincent Larderet provides the artistic Direction. [...] The program which Vincent Larderet chose for the inaugural evening is distinguished by its density. [...] In the second part, Liszt's Après une lecture de Dante is performed with greatness, dexterity and a deep sonority which underlines the importance of the teaching received in Lübeck with Bruno Leonardo Gelber.” (France)
    Michel Le Naour
  • Pianiste - interview

    Pianiste - interview

    September 2017
    PIANISTE Magazine (France) - n°106 Sept/Oct 2017
    Stéphane Friédérich
  • PIANO News - review & interview

    PIANO News - review & interview

    March 2017
    "Vincent Larderet und das Festival Piano au Musée Würth in Erstein"

    PIANO News magazine (Germany) N° 2 / 2017 - Mar/Apr
    4 pages of review with interview
    Carsten Dürer
  • Fanfare Magazine

    Fanfare Magazine

    March 2017
    "French pianist Vincent Larderet belongs to that class of artists who are both masterful technicians and intellectual. His compatriot Pierre-Laurent Aimard is also in this category, and in the previous generation we can include Maurizio Pollini, Alfred Brendel (...). He conveys a sense of a young genius still trying to find a proper vehicle for what is already a distinctive voice."

    Fanfare Magazine (USA) N° 40:4 - Mar/Apr 2017 issue
    Peter Burwasser
  • Musica 5 stars

    Musica 5 stars

    February 2017
    “I am convinced that we will speak a lot of Vincent Larderet in the future. His Brahms has a huge tragic force for the depth of sound, breath phrasing, the density of speech and a lyrical, passionate, painful intensity. (…) A great value CD on which the ghost of Claudio Arrau seems to appear in the background.”

    MUSICA 5 stars Award (Italy) n°283 - February 2017 issue
    Luca Segalla
  • Tutti magazine - Interview

    Tutti magazine - Interview

    January 2017
    Tutti-magazine (France)
    Philippe Banel
  • Classic agenda - podcast interview

    Classic agenda - podcast interview

    December 2016
    Classicagenda (France)
    "Portée de voix"
    Frédéric Hutman
  • CHOPIN Magazine & ONGAKU NO TOMO - interviews

    CHOPIN Magazine & ONGAKU NO TOMO - interviews

    December 2016
    CHOPIN Magazine (N° 395) & ONGAKU NO TOMO (N°12) in Japan
    About the Japan tour and world premiere for the new Brahms - Berg ARS SACD-CD release

    December 2016 issue
  • Classica 4 stars

    Classica 4 stars

    December 2016
    "A recording that imposes itself by its height of view."

    Classica (France) N°188 - Dec 2016 / Jan 2017 issue
    Jérémie Bigorie
  • Rondo Magazin

    Rondo Magazin

    November 2016
    "Vincent Larderet hat sich nun beider Werke für eine CD angenommen, und sein eigener Beihefttext zeigt, dass er sich eine Menge Gedanken um die Hintergründe dieses Programms gemacht hat. Die intensive geistige Durchdringung der Materie wird in seinem Spiel durchaus auch hörbar. Larderet vermag zudem eine Menge Plastizität in die Satzstruktur zu bringen: Wer tiefer in die Stücke einsteigen will, dem liefert Larderet einen Höreindruck von so bemerkenswerter Klarheit, dass er einen analytischen Zugang zur Materie passagenweise fast ohne Notentext in der Hand ermöglicht."

    RONDO Magazin (Germany) 
    Michael Wersin
  • MusicWeb International

    MusicWeb International

    October 2016
    “Larderet plays with commanding virtuosity, purposeful direction and shows a real empathy for this music. [ Brahms Sonata n°3 op.5 ]” 
    “It’s a performance [ Berg's Sonata op.1 ] that sets the bar high, and stands side by side with two of my favourites by Mitsuko Uchida and Glenn Gould.”

    MusicWeb International (UK)
    Stephen Greenbank

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